What To Do About The Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be one of summer’s biggest annoyances, and with the moisture we’ve gotten lately it seems as though they are everywhere. Not only can mosquitoes be a pest when you are trying to enjoy your time outdoors, but they pose a health threat as well. They can spread diseases very rapidly throughout an area. While there is no magic solution to eliminating mosquitoes completely, there are some remedies that can help to control their impact on you and your activities. Using an insect repellent containing diethyl toluamide (DEET) will help to shield you from becoming a target for the mosquitoes. When looking for a repellent to use remember the higher the percentage of DEET that a product contains the longer the protection will last. Additionally, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long pants may help keep the insects away, however if the mosquito decides to bite you it can still penetrate the cloth and get you. Making the environment unattractive for mosquitoes may be one of the best ways to curb their impact on you. Standing water is a haven for mosquito breeding; clean up or drain areas that hold water, or use a mosquito larvicide if eliminating the water is not possible. The larvicide will disrupt their life cycle and can help to prevent adult emergence. Mosquito insecticides can be used around low-hanging tree limbs, shrubs and shaded areas to keep mosquitoes away. These insecticides will need to be reapplied occasionally throughout the season for the most effective control. Mosquito larvicides and insecticides are readily available at many home garden or supply stores. For any questions over mosquito control contact the Collingsworth County Extension Office at (806) 447-2313.

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