Water Needs

One of the keys to health is adequate water consumption, for humans and animals alike.  In these hot summer months of the Texas Panhandle, with temperatures typically being in the 100s’, it is essential to make sure that pets and livestock have a steady source of water that is easily accessible.  Water is the most important component of their diet.  The general rule of thumb is that animals require about 1.5 quarts of water per pound of solid feed eaten; and these requirements increase due to weight, lactation and temperature.  For cattle it is advised that they need about one gallon of water per 100 pounds of body weight.  So a 1000 pound steer would need 10 gallons of water.  Lactating cows and cattle in the growing stage need more.  Their requirement is typically calculated at two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight.  These requirements increase with temperature however, basically doubling during the summer months; meaning in the summer that 1000 pound steer would need approximately 20 gallons of water.  Water tanks should be cleaned regularly, as fresh, clean water will increase palatability and aid in consumption.  Also important is checking water quality.  Water with high levels of salinity, nitrates, sulfates, or other such substances can impact the whole balance of nutrients and minerals within their body.  It can impact their intake and absorption, leading to dehydration even with an adequate supply of water.  Dogs and cats typically need to consume one ounce of water per pound of body weight a day.  Offering water in your household pets water bowls all day is a safe bet to avoid dehydration issues.  Livestock and household pets will typically regulate their water intake as long the water is available to them.  By providing a constant source of good quality, clean, fresh water animals will normally drink all that they need to avoid dehydration.  The most important step is making sure to provide it to them.

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